ALR Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:ALRT) recently updated a movie/Power Point which is a presentation from a “Randomized Controlled Trial” showing the effect of internet therapeutic intervention on HbA1c (hemoglobin A1c) levels in patients with Type 2 diabetes treated with insulin. The six-month study was conducted by Tildesley et al. and concludes that the use of an IBGMS (Internet Based Glucose Monitoring System) is an effective method of improving glucose control compared to standard care.
The A1c level is the gold standard in determination of chronic glycemic control in people with diabetes. It is important to keep the A1c level as low as possible to control risks associated with diabetes. As the final slide points out, According to Centers of Disease Control and Prevention,
In general, every percentage drop in A1c blood test results (e.g. from 8% to 7%) can reduce the risk of microvascular complications (eye, kidney and nerve disease) by 40%.
Products such as ALR Technologies’ Health-e-Connect System and Welldoc’s self-named platform are designed to encourage patient compliance and monitoring of glucose levels in manners shown to be effective by this trial.
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